Texting Teenager Causes Collision

• A texting teenaged girl slammed into our client’s vehicle as he was stopped at a traffic control light. She alleged that she was only going five miles per hour at the time of collision, but the damage to the vehicles indicated a higher speed.
• The damage to the client’s vehicle was greater than originally stated on the repair invoice. He continued to find damage on his vehicle that was not addressed by the repair shop. The repair shop was chosen by at fault insurance company, USAA.
• Our client was in severe pain after the accident and went to the ER at Swedish Hospital.
• The pain medication prescribed at Swedish was not effective, so he went to the ER at Harborview the next day.
• As a result of this accident, our client suffered an L4-5 annular tear causing a central protrusion of the ventral thecal sac and an L5-S1 disc bulge effacing 15% of the thecal sac and touching the left S1 nerve root, all as revealed on the MRI. This explains the severe pain he has endured since the accident and the need for extended medical treatment.
• The accident has caused panic attacks, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia. He has been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from the accident. His anxiety level was rated as 10/10. His prior stress and anxiety conditions were under control and causing him no difficulty, but the accident has caused a recurrence and exacerbation of the pre-existing conditions.
The fact that there were minimal damages to the vehicles was raised by the insurance adjuster to minimize the value of the claim. The first attorney that the client consulted informed him that $1,000 was the most he would be able to recover and that he should handle the claim himself. The client then contacted attorney Chuck Martin after seeing his webpage. After two months preparing the settlement package, the claim was settled for $36,000.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, call attorney Chuck Martin for a free consultation and an evaluation of the value of your case.

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