We have all witnessed semi-trucks weighing 20,000 pounds or more speeding down our highways and freeways, and making abrupt lane changes. It's little wonder that 75% of all fatalities involving large trucks are people in the other vehicle, not the truck. There is increasing awareness that more and more truckers are driving with severe fatigue as they are pushed past the limit of human endurance by their employers. This leads to substance abuse and impaired driving as the truckers try to meet their employers' unreasonable demands.
Handling truck accidents takes special knowledge and experience above and beyond car and auto accident cases. There are countless local, state and federal government codes, regulations and statutes that apply to trucking accidents. Only an experienced truck accident lawyer can provide the expertise needed to navigate the legal minefield related to truck accident cases.
Chuck Martin of MartinLaw, PLLC, has been a truck accident lawyer over 35 years. He has the experience and expertise to obtain the best possible settlement for you. He is highly rated by his clients and other attorneys. Please go to the "Attorney Profile" page to learn more about Chuck Martin.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a truck accident, and have suffered a personal injury, call the truck accident law firm MartinLaw, PLLC at 206-360-8141 for a free consultation.