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Bus AccidentsBus accidents include accidents involving school busses, King County Transit, Community Transit, Kitsap County Transit, commercial bus companies, tour bus companies and countless other entities providing bus transportation. This makes it difficult to compile statistics involving all buses. What we do know, is that due to the size and capacity of buses, an accident is usually catastrophic for those involved. Although bus travel is relatively safe, more the 250 people are killed and 20,000 seriously injured annually in bus accidents in the U.S. On average, 19 schoolage children die in school bus accidents every year.

Handling bus accidents takes special knowledge and experience above and beyond car and auto accident cases. There are countless local, state and federal government codes, regulations and statutes that apply to bus accidents. Only an experienced bus accident lawyer can provide the expertise needed to navigate the legal minefield related to bus accident cases.

Chuck Martin of MartinLaw, PLLC, has been a bus accident lawyer over 35 years. He has the experience and expertise to obtain the best possible settlement for you. He is highly rated by his clients and other attorneys. Please go to the "Attorney Profile" page to learn more about Chuck Martin.

If you or a loved one have been involved in a bus accident, and have suffered a personal injury, call the bus accident law firm MartinLaw, PLLC at 206-360-8141 for a free consultation.