When a 4000-pound mass of steel and glass on wheels (a motor vehicle) comes in contact with a human body, it is no wonder that it results in devastating injuries, even at low speed.
Pedestrians need to take precautions to protect themselves from motor vehicles. You should always assume that the driver does not see you rather than assuming that he does. You should avoid walking on roadways that have no sidewalks if at all possible. If that is not possible, pedestrians should always walk on the left side of the road facing the traffic. Pedestrians should always wear bright clothing especially at night and should always carry a flashlight. An even better practice at night is to also have a flashing red light, such as a bicycle light, attached to clothing, purse or briefcase facing behind.
Attorney Chuck Martin has been handling pedestrian accidents for over 35 years. He has the experience and expertise to obtain the best possible settlement for you. He is highly rated by his clients and other attorneys. Please go to the "Attorney Profile" page to learn more about Chuck Martin.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a pedestrian accident, and have suffered a personal injury, call the pedestrian accident law firm MartinLaw, PLLC at 206-360-8141 for a free consultation.